( via the MOMA press release online Buy ). Yartsa Rinpoche (Precious Caterpillar) (2013), directed by Dorje Tsering Chenaktsang, follows Darlo, an elder in the Amdo region, and his family as they journey 800 kilometers to collect Cordyceps sinensis (in Tibetan, Yartsa-gunbu), which has been called “Tibet’s golden worm” and “The Viagra of the Himalayas.” Yartsa Rinpoche-which is presented in a weeklong run-receives its North American premiere along with Jocelyn Ford’s breakout Nowhere to Call Home (2014), Dan Smyer Yu’s Embrace (2011), Khashem Gyal’s The Valley of the Heroes (2013), and Dukar Tserang’s They Are One Hundred Years Old (2014). The film highlights an existence caught between ideals and reality, modernity and tradition, and individual choices. Lens on Tibet includes the world premiere of Tashi Chopel’s The Son of a Herder (2014), an unembellished portrait of the life of a plateau herder in eastern Tibet’s remote Zehok region.
Join the Trace Foundation and MoMA for a series of screenings of Tibet’s most exciting films and talks with the visionary directors behind them.

Itrace Foundation Clewiston, FL salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Through the lens of the camera, a generation of Tibetan and Western filmmakers are capturing breathtaking landscapes and creating a global stage for Tibet’s most captivating subjects, from a controversial caterpillar fungus that’s changing the lives and livellhoods of Tibetans to the place of women in rural Tibetan communities. Itrace Foundation Clewiston, FL average salary is 62,090, median salary is 60,320 with a salary range from 37,440 to 137,000. In celebration of Trace Foundation’s 20th anniversary, we’re hosting a film series in collaboration with The Museum of Modern Art on August 20 – August 31 Cheap, “Lens on Tibet,” which will showcase thirteen films from and about Tibet. Purchase Buy Trace Foundation is a nonprofit based in the West Village in New York that supports Tibetan culture, preservation, language, and communities-both here in New York and in Tibet.