Finally, with enough combat experience, a Daughter can unlock Born Killer which will grant them an additional +10 AP. This coupled with remembrances that increase the base damage of all daughters will make eras 3 and 4 much more manageable (but still rather difficult). For example, Killer of Nightmare Creatures does 20% more damage against Nightmare Creatures. Other passive traits will allow daughters to deal certain percentages more damage. This AP boost will also allow a Blademaster to Sidestep, Slash, and get out of range (If she doesn’t one-shot the enemy). This can effectively pass the turn to a different daughter who may have gone before them. For example, a Soulslinger with an AP boost will be able to cast 2 Spirit Hastes in one turn. This will grant that respective daughter +10 AP which will effectively allow them to perform multiple actions without going into burst mode. The most important trait to develop is ‘One with the Sword/Gun/Shield/Scythe. Let’s talk about Daughter traits before getting into why these are the two most important moves in the game.

Players should ALWAYS be sidestepping to get into position. Let’s be clear, neither of these attacks will deal any damage, but Othercide is about survivability first and foremost. Secondly is the Blademaster’s Sidestep which allows her to jump to ANY tile in range for only 15 AP. This will allow players to put a daughter in position and take action before an enemy can. Spirit Haste allows the Soulslinger to boost an ally in range by 20 initiative. Not only are Soulslingers and Blademasters the most important weapons in the player’s arsenal, they also come with the two most important moves in the game. While each Daughter offers its own unique roll in combat, the two most important classes are Soulslinger and Blademaster. Blademasters are the beating stick of the bunch, and Scythedancers dish out armor shredding AoE damage. Soulslingers wield a pair of dual revolvers and will be able to dispatch of Suffering's minions at a distance. Shieldbearers will act as the ‘tank’ absorbing damage and delaying enemies. There are four character classes that players can choose from in Othercide.